Devotion Book 4 – Lesson 1

Devotions Book 4

Lesson 1

Patience (week 1-4)

The Building Blocks: God’s Principles

“…giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  II Peter 1:5-8


Patience / Week 1

Day 1 / James 1:1-4

The book of James was written By “James the Just,” one of the brothers of Jesus.  He was a leader of the church at Jerusalem, so he was especially concerned about Jewish Christians to whom he sent this letter.  His purpose in writing was to straighten out some misunderstandings the Jewish converts had about the Christian faith.

The first matter James deals with is the purpose of patience through trials and afflictions.  At the time he wrote this letter there was a great persecution of Christians underway, led by a wicked Roman governor.  James explains that the Christian who patiently endures suffering is “perfected” – made spiritually mature.

Am I a patient person?  How do I endure the trials and afflictions God allows in my life?

Day 2 / Ecclesiastes 7:8

In our society, pride is often considered something good and desirable.  And it seems that proud people are the first to reach the top.  They are more successful, more influential.  They get what they want.  On the other hand, a patient person is frequently thought of as slow and unmotivated.  He does not make as much progress as one who is proud and aggressive.

God’s perspective is quite different from ours, of course.  To Him, the patient is much better that the proud.  The patient person does not force his way through life to meet his goals.  He waits on the Lord to meet his needs

How have I been proud during the past week?  How have I been patient?  What are the signals that I am becoming impatient?  What should I do?

Day 3 / Hebrews 10:35-37

God promises great rewards and blessing to everyone who does His will.  But, doing God’s will is a lifelong experience.  Many times it is not easy to obey Him, and this is where patience comes in.  Patience is needed to keep from quitting in the middle and keep on obeying and following God.

What is one thing I need god’s Patience to help me finish?

Day 4 / II Thessalonians 3:5

One of the most comforting, uplifting, encouraging promises of God is that Jesus will come again.  The prophets predicted it, Jesus Himself verified it and the New Testament writers reaffirmed it.  How are we to respond to it?  We are to wait patiently for Him, endeavoring to live in His love and in obedience to His Word.  In our time of waiting, we are to become more and more like Him.

In What specific ways can I wait patiently for Christ?

Day 5 / Romans 5:3-4

As we grow spiritually, one character block is laid upon another to form us into Christ-like persons.  Understanding this, we can rejoice in our “sufferings” (spiritual, emotional and physical trials) because we know that suffering produces patience (perseverance), patience produces character, and character produces hope.

How have my sufferings produced patience in me?  How has patience produced character in me?

Day 6 / Colossians 1:10-11

As Christians, we are to “walk worthy of the Lord,” pleasing Him in every way (v.10).  We can do this by bearing fruit in every good work and by growing in Godliness.  God strengthens us and enables us to have great spiritual endurance and patience.

Am I walking worthy of the Lord?  How can I become patient in life’s situations and long-suffering towards those who have offended or wronged me?

Day 1  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 2  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 3  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 4  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:_______________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 5  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 6 Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Patience/ Week 2                                                                     

Day 1 / Hebrews 12:1-3

Chapter 11 of Hebrews tells us about great examples of faith; but chapter 12 tells us of the greatest example of faith, the “finisher of our faith” (v.2), Jesus Christ.  He was willing to die the humiliating death on the cross for us, and now He sits on the right hand of God the Father.  Just thinking of Him patiently enduring those sufferings at the hands of sinful men will keep us from becoming fainthearted and weary.

What abuses, injustices and suffering have I patiently endured for Christ’s sake?

Day 2 / II Corinthians 6:3-4

The apostle Paul did not want to be a stumbling block in anyone’s path, causing them to trip and fall into sin.  He knew that this would discredit his ministry.  Instead, he tried in every possible way to prove himself a true servant of God by patiently enduring the troubles and hardships he faced.

How am I proving that I am a true servant of God, by patiently enduring the troubles and hardships I face?

Day 3 / Titus 2:2

Patience is not something just for impetuous youth.  It is as important for an older Christian to be patient as it is for a younger one.  This verse in Paul’s letter to Titus states very clearly that the “aged men” are to be, among other things, patient.  Verse 3 says that “aged women” are to be patient.  This passage plainly instructs us patience is essential at all stages in life.

What might be some reason patience is so important in every stage in my life?

Day 4 / I Timothy 3:3

Adding more weight to the importance of patience, Paul includes it in the qualifications for Christian leaders.  One who desires to be an overseer of God’s people must possess the quality of patience.  He must not spend life grasping for temporal riches, but patiently accept the spiritual riches which come through Christ.

How does my life prove that I value more highly god’s spiritual riches than the temporal riches of this world?

Day 5 / II Timothy 2:24

The “Lord’s servant” to which Paul refers in this letter to Timothy is one who is an overseer in the church.  In a broader sense, every Christian is a servant of the Lord; so, in principle, these instructions apply to all believers.  As usual, right in the middle of the list of qualifications God’s servant must possess is the gleaming jewel of patience.

Do other Christians in my church family think of me as having the quality of patience?

Day 6 / Psalm 40:1-3

David knew well the torment of depression.  He often felt discouraged and dismayed because of the oppression of his enemies.  But, in his time of tribulation, David “waited patiently for the Lord.”  And, without fail, the Lord lovingly responded to David’s spiritual need.  He set David on a sure foundation and put a song in his heart.

In times of trial and adversity, do I usually take things into my own hands, or do I wait patiently for the Lord to work things out?

Day 1  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 2  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 3  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 4  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:_______________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 5  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 6 Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Patience/ Week 3

Day 1 / Matthew 18:23-35

Jesus, the Master Teacher, knew how to most effectively communicate God’s truth to men.  One of the teaching methods He often used was the parable.  A parable is a heavenly truth expressed in an earthly example.  This passage includes one of Jesus’ many parables.  The main thing He teaches in these verses is the need for a true spirit of forgiveness and patience with others—especially with those who owe us.

Is there anyone who owes me anything?  How do react to those who owe me?  What might God be trying to teach me?

Day 2 / Psalm 37:3-7

In these five verses are five key verbs, each relating directly to a clear command of God: “Trust in the Lord…Delight in the Lord…Commit thy way unto the Lord…Rest in the lord…Wait patiently for Him.”  The last two of these dynamic commands show us the necessity for possessing the quality of patience.

How am I obeying God’s command to rest in Him and wait patiently for Him?

Day 3 / Romans 15:5-7

Patience is not something we muster up within ourselves.  It is not a “man-made” product.  Patience is given by God.  If we are to have this valuable quality, God must give it to us.  Of course, He will do this if we but ask Him for it.

Do I need patience?  Have I asked God for patience this week?

Day 4 / I Thessalonians 5:14

It’s easy to be patient with some people.  Those who are pleasant, who accept you, who express love for you – these people are tolerable in a time of disagreement; but, then there are those who are not pleasant, who do not accept you, who do not express love for you – these people are not easy to be patient toward.  Yet God’s Word plainly tells us we must be patient with them.  And God’s command goes as well for those within one’s family (who are often the hardest to get along with).

Is there someone I have trouble being patient toward?  How can I show more patience toward that person?

Day 5 / I Peter 2:19-20

If we do something wrong and suffer for it, we get what we deserve; what we have earned.  But, if we do that which is good and suffer for it, patiently enduring the unjust treatment, God is pleased with our response.

Have I ever suffered for doing good deeds?  How did I respond to the suffering?  Was God pleased? 

Day 6 / I Thessalonians 1:3-7

The Thessalonians were “model Christians.”  They set an example for other believers throughout the entire region around them.  One of the main causes of their positive influence was the way in which they patiently endured the severe persecution brought against them for their faith in Christ.

In what ways is my patience an example to other believers?  What other Christians are examples to me in their patience?

Day 1  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 2  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 3  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 4  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:_______________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 5  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 6 Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Patience/ Week 4

Day 1 / James 5:7-11

James’ epistle is one of the most practical portions of God’s Word.  It deals with issues we face constantly—doing as well as hearing the Word, respecting all persons equally, controlling the tongue, controlling the temper, handling problems with others, and, in this passage, learning to be patient,  James’ emphasis is on the good, positive result of patience.

How has God taught me to be patient?  In what ways am I practicing patience in my home, my church, and my neighborhood?

Day 2 / Hebrews 6:9-12

There is often a negative connotation attached to the word, “imitator.”  We tend to think of an imitation as bad but this is simply not the case.  The apostle Paul encouraged Christians to be imitators of himself and of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The writer of this letter to the Hebrews (possibly Paul) admonished his readers to be followers (imitators) of those who through faith and patience inherit God’s promise.

Who am I imitation?  What characteristics of theirs am I imitation?

Day 3 / Isaiah 40:28-31

Patiently waiting on the Lord increases spiritual strength and stamina.  The prophet Isaiah pictures this in various ways: as an eagle, raising his powerful wings, setting out in flight… as one who runs but does not tire… as one who walks a great distance but does not pass out from exhaustion.  How beautifully these examples illustrate patience!

How has waiting on the Lord increased my spiritual strength and stamina (endurance)?  How can I more effectively wait on the Lord?

Day 4 / Psalm 62:1-8

David’s enemies were a constant threat to his reign as king of Israel.  They plotted against him and used deceit and lies to try and force him from the throne.  He refers to them in verse 3 and 4 of this Psalm.  How did David respond to their attacks?  He simply waited patiently on the Lord’s deliverance.  He recognized that only God could rescue and sustain him.

Do I yield to the pressures of the world (at work, at school, in our neighborhood, etc.) or do I consistently wait for the Lord’s deliverance from temptation and trials? 

Day 5 / Romans 8:22-25

All who have believed and received Jesus Christ as Saviour are sons of God, adopted into God’s family.  But this adoption is not complete until our bodies are redeemed – made into glorious new bodies like that of our Saviour.  For this we wait daily.  Because we have God’s Word that this will happen we wait in patient expectation of what He has promised.

What are my feelings about the redemption of our bodies?  How does the promise of glorification motivate me to patiently endure the “pains” of spiritual growth?

Day 6 / James 1:12

Like the Beatitudes, Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3-12).  This verse begins with the word “blessed,” meaning happy.  Who is happy?  One who patiently endures the trials of life!  And what is the ultimate result of patient endurance?  The victors’ crown which God has promised to those who love Him.

Have I been made happy through patience?  How?

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