Devotion Book 1 (Mature Man) Lesson 3

Devotion Book 1


Lesson 3

The Foundation (week 1-6)

The Foundation:

“For other foundation can no man lay than this is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”  I Corinthians 3:11

God’s Son / Week 1                                                           

Day 1 / Matthew 1: 18-25

Almost 2,000 years ago, the most important person in history was born: Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  This interesting passage tells about some of the events that happened right before His birth.

If Jesus had not been born, what would my life be like today?

Day 2 / Genesis 3: 15; Galatians 4: 1-5

The first promise of a Savior is recorded in Genesis 3:15.  This verse is part of a curse God pronounced upon Satan.  In the curse, God said three important things regarding the coming Christ: 1.) A woman would have a Son. 2.) The Son would destroy Satan — “bruise (his) head.” 3.) The Son would be “bruised” on His “heel” by Satan, meaning that His body would be “bruised” (not His mind or soul).

Galatians 4: 4,5 in the New Testament, tells us how God fulfilled His Old Testament promise.  At the perfect time, He sent His Son into the world, born of a virgin.  His purpose was to “redeem” us, so that we could become His “sons” — born as children into His family.

How do I know that I have been born into God’s family and thereby become His child?

Day 3 / Isaiah 7: 14; Matthew 1: 22-25

Seven hundred years before the birth of Jesus, the prophet Isaiah made two wonderful predictions.  He said, first, that a virgin woman would bear a Son, the Christ child.  And, he predicted that the Son would be called “Immanuel,” which means “God with us.”  The promised One would be the virgin-born Son of God, living in human flesh.

The first chapter of Matthew’s gospel tells us about the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy.  Exactly as foretold, Jesus was born of a virgin and He was called “Immanuel.”  He, the God of the universe actually visited earth and became one of us.

How has God revealed Himself to mankind?  How has He revealed Himself and shown His love to me?

Day 4/ Micah 5: 2; Luke 2: 4-7

Micah prophesied to the nation of Israel about 750-700 years before the birth of Jesus.  Probably the best known of his predictions is the one in chapter 5, verse 2, regarding the birthplace of the Messiah.  In this remarkable verse, Micah singles out Bethlehem as the specific city in which Jesus would be born.  Luke 2:4-7 describes the fulfillment of this prophecy.

Joseph lived in Nazareth, but his hometown was Bethlehem.  So, when the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus, decreed that a census be taken, Joseph had to go back to Bethlehem with his new wife, Mary.  They traveled several days to cover the rugged 70 miles between Nazareth and Bethlehem.  The night of their arrival in the crowded village, there was no room left in the inn, so Jesus was born in a stable.  All of these events were not coincidental, though; they were integral parts of God’s plan for the birth of His Son.

Have I given Jesus room in my life (my plans, activities, etc.)?  How?

Day 5 / Hosea 11: 1; Matthew 2: 11-15

Herod was outraged when he realized that the wise men had evaded him.  Jealousy consumed him when he thought about the newborn “King of the Jews,” Jesus.  He wanted to destroy the child.  God was aware of Herod’s intentions, so He sent an angel to warn Joseph of the danger.  Joseph took Mary and the baby Jesus and escaped with them to Egypt.

These events were probably traumatic experiences, especially for Mary, a sensitive young mother.  But she and Joseph trusted God because they knew there was a divine purpose in everything happening to them.  They realized that God was fulfilling His Word, that He was in control.

How am I trusting God and allowing Him to be in control of my life, especially in the face of difficulties?

Day 6 / Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2: 16-18

Herod’s soldiers swept through Bethlehem in murderous assault.  Under the king’s orders, they killed all male children age two and under.  Herod thought that this severe action would certainly take care of Jesus.  But how wrong he was!  God protected His Son from Herod’s destructive wrath.  Jesus was safe, many miles away from the massacre.

God had predicted in His Word that this awful thing would occur; but He did not cause it.  Satan was the instigator of this terrible event.  He inspired Herod to give the command, so that God’s plan would be defeated.  But God was victorious!

How is Satan trying to defeat God’s plan for my life?  How can I respond to his attacks?

Day 1              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 2              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 3              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:______________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 4              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:______________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 5              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 6              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


God’s Son / Week 2                                                           

Day 1 / Luke 19:1-10

The gospels (the first four books of the New Testament — Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) tell us about many of the people Jesus ministered to during His earthly life.  One of the most interesting of those people was Zacchaeus, a tax collector for the Roman government.  This passage tells how Zacchaeus met Jesus, and what the Savior then did for him.

What characteristics of Jesus’ earthly ministry to others are seen in me as I minister (or serve) others?

Day 2 / John 6: 47-51

The day after Jesus miraculously fed 5,000 people (John 6: 1-14), many followed Him.  They wanted Him to perform the miracle again; but their desires were selfish.  They just wanted more food from Him.  Jesus told them that He had not done the miracle just so people could eat.  He had done it to picture His future death on the cross, when His body would be offered, just like He offered the loaves of bread to the hungry masses.  He was the “living bread… from heaven.”  He would give eternal life to those who were hungry for God.

Do I hunger for God and His righteousness?  How has Jesus satisfied my spiritual hunger?

Day 3 / John 9: 1-7

When the blind man was healed, it was as if a light had been turned on in a dark room. Suddenly he could see all things he could not see before.  He was physically blind, so Jesus gave him physical sight.  God’s Word says that those who do not know God are spiritually blind.  Their souls are darkened by sin.  They cannot see God, just as the blind man could not see this world.  They need spiritual sight, which only Jesus can give.  He is the “light.”

In what areas of life has Jesus given me spiritual sight?

Day 4 / John 10: 1-9

In Jesus’ day, shepherds kept their sheep in a place called the sheepfold.  It was like a corral or cattle pen, but it had no gate.  The shepherd would stand or lie down in the opening when the sheep were inside.  So, actually, he was the “door.”  Jesus is the door to God’s home, heaven.  To get into heaven, we must go through Him.  He is the only way to salvation.

Am I going through the right “door” to heaven?  Am I trusting solely in Him?

Day 5 / John 10: 11-15

In Bible times, shepherding was a common occupation.  But, to the shepherd, it was more than a job, it was the main thing.  The shepherd loved his sheep and called each one by name.  He provided food and water for them every day.  Often he killed wolves to protect them.  The shepherd was willing to die for his sheep because they were so important to him.  During His earthly ministry, Jesus identified Himself as the “good shepherd.” He, too, was willing to die for His sheep.  He gave up His life so that we might live.

If Jesus is my shepherd, how should I respond to Him as a sheep?

Day 6 / John 20:30, 31; 21:25

Not everything that Jesus did during His earthly ministry is recorded in God’s Word.  He healed many more people, did many more miracles, and taught many more truths about God.  But the Father made sure to include in the Bible enough about Jesus to show us that He really is the Son of God.  Everything we read about Him was written to help us have faith in Him.

Do I believe that Jesus is the Son of God?  If so, why?

Day 1              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 2              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 3              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:______________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 4              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:______________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 5              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 6              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


God’s Son / Week 3                                                           

Day 1 / Matthew 27: 45-54

“Part one” of the work of Jesus to save us was His death on the cross.  Death by crucifixion was a cruel, ugly death.  It was devised by the Romans as a punishment for vile criminals.  Certainly the Son of God should not have died so violent a death; but He had actually become a “vile criminal,” for He took all our sins upon Himself.  He died as our substitute.

What are my feelings about Jesus’ death?  How does Jesus’ death affect my everyday life?

Day 2 / John 13:21-30

Judas is perhaps the most tragic figure of history.  For more than three years, he lived with Jesus and the other disciples.  He was an eyewitness of the Savior’s miracles, he heard the astonishing teachings of Jesus, he observed first-hand the most remarkable life of the Son of God.  But, in spite of what he saw and heard,  Judas was “counterfeit.”  He never really believed that Jesus was the Son of God, the promised Messiah.  He just pretended to be a believer.  The saddest fact about Judas is that he could have stopped pretending.  He could have believed but he chose instead to keep on living a lie, and his life was destroyed because of it.

Are there any ways in which I am pretending to be something for God that I am really not?

Day 3 / Isaiah 53: 4-7

In His body, Jesus received the severest of punishment.  His beard was torn out by cruel guards and servants of the high priests.  With their fists, they beat His face and head unmercifully.  He was whipped with a “cat-of-nine-tails” — a leather scourge with sharp pieces of rock tied in the ends.  A crown of long thorns was pushed into His already battered head.  Blood streamed over His swollen face.

Why did He suffer all these things? At any moment, He could have called ten thousand angels to His rescue.  Instead, he quietly endured the agony, like a sheep about to be slaughtered.  He did all these things so that we could be healed, so that we could be forgiven.

Have I accepted the love and forgiveness Jesus suffered to give me?  What response does His love and forgiveness stir within me?

Day 4 / Matthew 27: 12-18

Imagine hearing people say terrible lies about you, imagine them hitting you, spitting in your face, hurting you.  Could you keep from saying or doing something in defense?  Jesus did.  He patiently, silently endured the torture brought against Him.  He was not afraid to defend Himself, for He could have done that easily.  But it was the Father’s will that He suffer in silence; it was an essential part of the divine plan of salvation, revealing the depth of His love for us.

How do I react when people treat me wrongly?

Day 5 / Mark 15: 24-28

Jesus’ suffering did not end with the mocking and beatings.  In one final act of hatred, the vicious mob took Him out of the city and crucified Him with two thieves — lowly criminals.  Jesus, the perfect, loving Son of God, took the place of sinners, dying with them as well as for them.  He, the sinless one, became sin for us.

How does Jesus’ death prove He loves me?  How does my life prove I love Him?

Day 6 / John 19: 28-30

When Jesus said, “It is finished,” He meant that the suffering for sin was over.  His work of paying the price for our sin was complete.  There was nothing else to be done to make forgiveness possible.  Jesus did it all.  Now, all we must do is put our faith in Him and His finished work of redemption.

Am I trusting in Jesus’ work to save me, or in my own works?  Am I depending on His power to make my life victorious today?

Day 1              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 2              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 3              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:______________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 4              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:______________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 5              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 6              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


God’s Son / Week 4                                                               

Day 1 / Matthew 27: 57-66

“Part two” of Jesus’ saving work was His burial in the tomb.  This is an especially interesting part of Jesus’ work because of the “human interest” side of the story: the appeal of Joseph to Pilate for Jesus’ body… the seeming finality of the huge stone being rolled into place… the despondency of the disciples.  All seemed so hopeless.

What are my feelings about Jesus’ burial?

Day 2 / Isaiah 53: 8,9

Hundreds of years before Jesus’ earthly life time, God knew about a rich man named Joseph.  He knew that Joseph would believe and accept His Son as Messiah.  He knew that all the disciples would run away, fearful and defeated.  He knew that Jesus would have to be buried quickly because of the coming Sabbath day when no work could be done.  So, God prepared Joseph to take care of His Son’s burial.  Only a rich man like Joseph had the power to ask Pilate for Jesus’ body.  Only a rich man like Joseph would have a tomb in which to place Jesus.  In His infinite wisdom, God prepared Joseph for this important responsibility.

What might God be preparing me to do for Him?

Day 3 / I Corinthians 15: 1-4

The gospel is the “good news” of Jesus’ finished work — His death, burial and resurrection.  For some reason, there seems to be more emphasis on His death and resurrection than on His burial.  However, Jesus’ burial is as important a part of His redemptive work as the other two.  Without His burial and what He accomplished during those three critical days, the work of salvation could not have been completed.

What good thing can I see in Jesus’ burial?

Day 4 / Matthew 26: 6-12

Jesus told His disciples that He would suffer, die and rise again on the third day (Matthew 16: 21, 22). The twelve did not understand the significance of His message regarding these events.  Only Mary of Bethany understood, and long before Jesus’ death, she did something to prove it.

In those days, when a Jewish person died, his body was wrapped in linen clothes with spices in between the layers.  Mary put spices on Jesus while He was still living, showing that she knew He wouldn’t need them when He died because He was going to live again.  Her actions evidenced her faith and love.

In what special way am I showing the Lord that I believe in Him and love Him?

Day 5 / John 19: 38-42

Joseph and Nicodemus were “secret believers.”  They did not want others to know that they trusted in Jesus and accepted Him as the promised Messiah.  But when they saw the other disciples abandon Jesus at the time of His death, they stopped worrying about what others might think.  They wholeheartedly did all they could to show their love for Him.  After they obtained Jesus’ body from Pilate, they wrapped it in linen and spices, put Him in the tomb and sealed it with a large stone.  Joseph and Nicodemus were sad but their faith in Jesus was strengthened by what they did.

Am I in any way hiding my faith in Jesus?

Day 6 / Romans 6: 1-4

After a person receives Jesus Christ, repenting of sin and trusting only in Him, baptism is a meaningful step of obedience which pictures the three main things Jesus has done to redeem us. When we go under the water, we picture His death and burial; when we come up out of the water, we picture His resurrection.  We who are believers are one with Christ in these three things.  We have, in God’s eyes, died with Him, been buried with Him and we are raised again to live in newness of life with Him.

Have I been baptized to picture what Jesus has done in me?

Day 1              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 2              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 3              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:______________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 4              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:______________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 5              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 6              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


God’s Son / Week 5                                                               

Day 1 / Matthew 28:1-10

“Part three” of Jesus’ work to save us was His resurrection from the tomb.  This event is a focal point for all history, for it makes the conclusion of His great three-fold work of salvation.  It is the final part of what we know as the “gospel” — the good news that Jesus died, was buried, and then rose again to conquer sin and death and make salvation possible.  Only God has power over death and sin.

How has God’s power to raise His Son Jesus from the dead changed my life?

Day 2 / John 20: 11-18

On the resurrection morning, Mary arrived first at the tomb.  She had been deeply saddened by Jesus’ death, and when she discovered that the stone had been moved and the tomb was empty, she ran to tell Peter and John that the Lord’s body had been stolen.  She missed seeing the angel and hearing his announcement.  Alone, she stood outside the tomb and cried.  As she wept, Jesus came to her.  He took away the sadness and filled her heart with joy.

Do I have any sadness now that Jesus can replace with joy?

Day 3 / John 20: 24-29

Thomas was not with the other disciples when Jesus first appeared to them.  They told him that they had met the resurrected Lord, but he refused to accept their word. He wanted to see for himself that Jesus was alive.  Jesus was not angered by the doubts of Thomas.  When He came to see the disciples eight days later, He lovingly invited Thomas to touch His hands and side.  Jesus helped “doubting” Thomas to believe.

How does God help me to believe?  Are there any truths I doubt, that I need Jesus to help me believe?

Day 4 / Luke 24: 36-48

Once again, Jesus appeared to the disciples.  He wanted them to be sure He was alive.  As He had done so for Thomas, He invited them to touch His pierced hands and side.  He ate with them.  He told them again that God had planned for Him to suffer, die, be buried, and then raise victoriously from death.  Then, Jesus told the disciples about the next major part in His plan. The news of what He had done was to be shared with the entire world.

How am I sharing the “good news” with others?

Day 5 / Luke 24: 49-53

The disciples had something really special to share with the world about Jesus.  They had been eye witnesses of His perfect life, His cruel suffering and death, His solemn burial, His glorious resurrection and finally, His wondrous ascent back to Heaven.  Jesus’ followers were probably very anxious to go out and tell others about Him.  But, before His return to heaven, Jesus instructed them to first do one thing: wait.  What they were to wait for was spiritual power and direction.  So, they waited in Jerusalem, praising and worshipping God.  Forty days later, they received God’s power, which Jesus had promised.  Then they began to fulfill His great commission (Matthew 28: 18-20).

Am I obeying my Lord in my own strength or in the spiritual strength He has promised me?

Day 6 / John 11: 19-25

Jesus made many declarations about Himself during His earthly ministry.  He called Himself “the way… the truth… the life… the door… the good shepherd… the light of the world… the bread from heaven.”  In this passage, He tells Martha that He is “the resurrection and the life.”  This was especially comforting to her because her brother Lazarus had just died.  She was mourning for him when Jesus came to her.  He assured Martha that those who put their faith in Him will never die — they will live eternally with Him in heaven.

What does it mean to me that Jesus is “the resurrection and the life?”  How can I apply this truth to my life?

Day 1              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 2              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 3              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:______________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 4              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:______________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 5              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 6              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


God’s Son / Week 6                                                               

Day 1 / Philippians 1:6

The moment one believes in Jesus and receives Him as Lord and Saviour, He begins a special work in that person’s life.  He begins to make the new believer like Himself.  And, the really wonderful fact is that He never stops working.  He continues to perfect each one of His children.  He does not leave the job unfinished.

How has God worked in me this week and made me more like Him?

Day 2 / Colossians 1: 23-29

For centuries God hid an astounding truth from mankind.  It was a “mystery,” known only to Him  Then, after His Son the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead, completing the redemptive work, God revealed the mystery.  The apostle Paul identifies it as “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”  What this means in a practical sense is that Jesus Christ actually lives within everyone who believes and receives Him.  Thus, He makes it possible for a Christian to act and respond like Jesus would, by dying to self and yielding to His control.  Because He lives within, the believer can overcome temptation and sin.

Is Jesus living in me?  How am I allowing Him to live through me?

Day 3 / I John 2: 1,2

The apostle John deeply loved the Christians to whom he wrote this letter.  He affectionately referred to them as his “little children”  As their spiritual father, he was concerned that they understand some important truths about Jesus’ role as the believer’s “advocate with the Father.”  An “advocate” is one who is called to plead our case.  When we pray in His name, He presents our prayers to God the Father.  He is the only one who can do this, for He is our “propitiation” — our atoning sacrifice, our substitute.

What petitions do I want Jesus to plead to the Father for me today?

Day 4 / Hebrews 7:22-28

During His earthly ministry, Jesus prayed for believers.  The longest, most beautiful example of His prayers for believers is the 17th chapter of John’s gospel.  In that prayer (which could rightfully be called the real “Lord’s prayer”) Jesus prayed that believers would be unified, that they would be filled with joy, that they would be kept from evil, and that they would be cleansed by the Word of God.  Today, in His present heavenly ministry, Jesus continues to pray for believers.  And, we can be sure that He prays that same thing for us as He did for those of His generation, when He was on earth.  Hebrews 7:25 reaffirms that He is now making intercession for us — actively doing all within His power to plead our cause before the Father.

How does knowing that Jesus is praying for me change my attitude about myself?  About others?  About sin?

Day 5/ John 14: 1-6

In His last talk with the twelve, Jesus comforted His followers with words of promise.  Though He knew He was about to die, He did not plead for comfort and understanding for them.  Rather, He concentrated on their emotional and spiritual needs.  He told the disciples that He would be going to heaven to prepare a place for them in His “Father’s house.”  And, He assured them that He would come again to take them to be with Him eternally.  All of these wonderful promises are for us, too!  Right now, Jesus is preparing a place for every believer.  And, perhaps soon, He will return to take us to live with Him forever.

Am I certain that I will live eternally with Jesus in a special place He has prepared?

Day 6 / James 5: 7, 8

Nearly 2,000 years have passed since Jesus promised the twelve disciples that He would return to earth.  Why is He taking so long?  James explains through the illustration of a farmer (“husbandman”) who plants his crops and then waits for early and latter rains.  The early rain fell at sowing time; the latter rain fell about four months later, in time to fully ripen the grain.  When all is right, He will return just like He promised.

What is one way that I need to grow spiritually before Jesus comes?

Day 1              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 2              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 3              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:______________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 4              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:______________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 5              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________


Day 6              Learn & Live                                                                   Bible reading text:_____________________

What do I learn from this passage?  __________________________________________________________________


Pray & Praise  In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?  ________________________________



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