Devotion Book 4 – Lesson 4

Devotions Book 4

Lesson 4

Charity (week 1-4)

The Building Blocks: God’s Principles

“…giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  II Peter 1:5-8


Charity / Week 1

Day 1 / Deuteronomy 6:4-12

Christian parents must share God’s truth with their children not just during family devotional time, but on every occasion possible.  In the course of “all” daily activities, both mother and father must diligently teach the Word – while sitting at home, while out for a walk, at bedtime, and the first thing in the morning (v. 7).

Am I communicating God’s truth to my children?  When and where am I communicating God’s truth to my children? 

Day 2 / Matthew 5:43-48

Loving those who love you is not a difficult thing.  Jesus said that even the self-righteous Pharisees did so.  The real challenge is loving those who hate you – your “enemies.”  This was one of the very startling things about Jesus.  He blessed those who cursed Him and did good to those who persecuted Him.

Who are my enemies?  In what ways can I show love to them?

Day 3 / Colossians 3:12-14

We may be compassionate, kind, humble, gentle, patient and forgiving – and still not be mature.  To be truly mature spiritually we must also have love.  Genuine Christian love binds together and makes complete all other virtues like those mentioned in verses 12 and 13.

How can I “put on” love through the Holy Spirit and express it through my life?

Day 4 / Ephesians 5:1-2

A son who knows he is dearly loved by his father will glory in his father and try to be like him.  So it is with those who are children of God.  Realizing how dearly our Heavenly Father loves us, we try to be followers (imitators) of Him.  To do this, we must walk in love, just as our Saviour, and the Lord Jesus Christ, walked in love by giving of Himself.

In what specific ways can I walk in love by giving of myself? 

Day 5 / I John 3:11-15

Loving one another is not optional for Christians.  It is a plain command of God.  One highly important reason for this is that loving our brothers and sisters in Christ proves that we have passed from spiritual death to spiritual life.  In other words, it is an evidence that we are truly born again believers.

Do I really love other Christians?  How do I tangibly express my love to them?

Day 6 / I Corinthians 16:14

The Apostle Paul’s statement about love in the last part of this letter is quite simple. But it could not be more inclusive.  “Do everything in love,” he says.  This means exactly what it says.  Absolutely everything we do must be done in love.

Have I done everything in love this week?  How have I failed?  How can I improve?

Day 1  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 2  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 3  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 4  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:_______________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 5  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 6 Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Charity / Week 2

Day 1 / Matthew 22:34-40

Jesus was repeatedly confronted by the Pharisees, the most prominent Jewish sect.  The Pharisees were smug, self-righteous Jews who lived by the letter rather than the spirit of the law.  They, of course, did not recognize or accept Jesus as the Messiah.  To the contrary, they denounced Him as a liar and a deceiver.  They often tried to trap Him into a mistake of one kind or another, as on the occasion recorded in this passage.  A lawyer of the Pharisees, undoubtedly a brilliant man, tried to trick Jesus by asking Him the much debated question, “Which is the greatest commandment in the law?” Jesus’ answer zeroes in on the heart of God’s law – love.

How am I showing love to myself?  How am I showing love to others?  How am I showing love to God?

Day 2 / Deuteronomy 10:12

God’s main requirement for the Jewish people was not just that they make sacrifices to Him.  His number one interest was their love for Him.  He wanted them to fear Him and serve Him as an indication of their genuine love for Him.

How am I indicating my love for God? Do my attitudes reveal a genuine love for God? 

Day 3 / I Peter 1:6-9

None of us has ever seen the Lord Jesus Christ.  Yet we love Him and believe in Him.  Does this make sense?  To many people, it does not make sense, because they do not realize that Christ is revealed to us in other ways.  Primarily, through His Word, the Bible, the Word tells us who Jesus is, what He has done, and how we must believe and receive Him.  Through the Word, we can “see” Him in a spiritual sense, and we believe and love Him.

How can I “see” Jesus?  What do I love about Him? 

Day 4 / Galatians 5:13-14

God has called us to freedom – freedom through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  But our freedom in Him must not be used to indulge our sinful nature.  Instead, we must use it to serve one another in love.  This is the essence of God’s law, which can be summed up in the single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Is there any way I love myself in which I do not love others?  How can I practically serve another in love?

Day 5 / John 13:31-35

According to Jesus, there is one certain way in which we can show others that we are His disciples.  It is not through our preaching or teaching, nor is it anything external like wearing a cross.  The one definite sign that we are Christ’s disciples is the love we show toward one another.  When we actively demonstrate our genuine love for other believers, the world sees Christ in us and knows we are his disciples.

How am I actively showing my love to other Christians?  List three different examples.  Do unbelievers see the love of Christ in my life?

Day 6 / I John 4:20-21

It is very serious to call someone a liar.  Such a charge must be backed up with proof.  God tells us that a person who says, “I love God” yet hates his brother – that person is a liar.  That is, one who hates his own brother does not truly love God.

Is there any Christian whom I have hated in any way?  Have I confessed my hatred to God and claimed His forgiveness?  Have I made things right with the person I have wronged?

Day 1  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 2  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 3  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 4  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:_______________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 5  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 6 Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Charity/ Week 3

Day 1 / John 15:12-19

The deep teachings of John 15 were shared by Jesus with the disciples on the way to the garden of Gethsemane.  Jesus was nearing the culmination of His saving work.  Soon He would be betrayed, arrested, unjustly tried and crucified by hateful men.  He knew exactly what was going to happen; but the disciples still did not fully understand.  At that crucial time, Jesus lovingly spoke words of preparation to them.  He emphasized one thing repeatedly:  genuine love.  Ten times in these brief verses He refers to love; and he describes how love is evidenced through sacrifice. 

How am I sacrificially expressing my love to God and others?  What “sacrifice” can I make to express my love to God? 

Day 2 / John 3:16

Undoubtedly, this is the best known verse in the Bible.  It is the Gospel in a nutshell, telling us how God gave His only Son for us that we might receive eternal life through believing in Him.  Why did God make such a great sacrifice?  Because He love us!

How have I responded to God’s gift of love to me?  How have I shown my appreciation?

Day 3 / I Samuel 18:1-4

The friendship of David and Jonathan is one of the most inspirational relationships described in the Bible.  Jonathan, who was heir to the throne of his father, King Saul, realized that David would become king of Israel.  But this did not cause him to dislike or distrust David.  In fact, he loved him as much as he loved himself.  To show David just how much he loved him, Jonathan sacrificially gave his garments and his weapons to David.

What “sacrifices” have I made to show my friends that I love them?  What “sacrifices” could I make?

Day 4 / I Peter 4:8

Divine, agape love, like that described in I Corinthians 13, overlooks the faults and weaknesses of others.  When we really love someone fervently (intensely), we do not spend our time picking out all their shortcomings.  Rather, we accept them, appreciate them, and do all we can to express true concern for them.

In what ways can I fervently love another within my family?  Within my church?  Within my neighborhood? 

Day 5 / I John 3:16-18

Love is best expressed through sacrifice.  A family that gives to help the poor…A Christian woman who gives her clothes to a needy widow… a child who gives his toys to another child that has none… these are examples of love expressed through sacrifice.  Of course, the supreme example of sacrificial love is our Lord Jesus Christ, who laid down His life for us.  Few of us will die for the sake of another, but we can sacrifice in other ways to demonstrate our love.  For example, we can sacrifice our material possessions to meet another’s needs.

How have I sacrificed to express my love to God?  My love for others?  How will I sacrifice?

Day 1  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 2  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 3  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 4  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:_______________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 5  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 6 Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Charity / Week 4

Day 1 / Romans 13:8-14

As believers, we are debtors, though not in a bad sense.  We are debtors in that we owe love.  In our relationships with family, friends, acquaintances, even to strangers, love is paramount.  We must make every effort to pay the debt of love to each person.  In so doing, we fulfill this part of God’s will for us.

How can I pay the debt of love? 

Day 2 / Hebrews 10:23-25

It is vital for us to keep an eye on one another.  That is we need to watch out for one another’s spiritual interests.  We need to do everything possible to spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

How can I “watch out” for others and encourage them to love and do good?

Day 3 / Jude 1:21

There is nothing we can do to diminish God’s love for us.  So, this verse does not imply that we must keep God loving us.  Rather, it means that we must keep on walking in the way His love directs us.

In what way does God’s love direct me?  How can I walk in that way? 

Day 4 / I Corinthians 13:1-3

Without love, life is empty and meaningless.  This truth has never been stated more eloquently than in this part of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians.  This is the great “Love Chapter” of the Bible.

What is the most meaningful thing this chapter teaches me?  What are the characteristics of genuine love?  Which of these are evident in my life? 

Day 5 / II Corinthians 5:14-21

Our main motivation in life must be the love of Christ, our Saviour.  The phrase which says “the love of Christ constrains us” means that His love urges us on, impels us, controls us, and motivates us.  In this love, we go forth into the world as ambassadors of Christ, imploring men on His behalf to be reconciled to God.

How is Christ’s love urging me on, controlling me, motivating me?  Who have I loved enough to share the Gospel with?

Day 6 / I Peter 1:18-23

Knowing that we have been redeemed by Christ’s precious blood, we must love one another deeply and sincerely.  It is because of His sacrifice that we have a basis to love and value one another in this way.

Do I love and value others deeply and sincerely?  How can I love and value others more?

Day 1  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 2  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 3  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 4  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:_______________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 5  Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Day 6 Learn & Live

Bible reading text:________________________

What do I learn from this passage?



Pray & Praise

In light of what I have learned, what do I ask God for today?



Simply click the “Take the Quiz” Button to the right. Have your KJV Bible with you, and look up the answers to the questions on the quiz. You can then answer the questions from the Bible, (Open Book Test)